After producing two evangelistic films in the past four years, Ride Nature quickly realized the potential media can provide. As a resource and tool, it can reach far further and far quicker than we can physically. The return on investment is exponential and the impact is unimaginable. They have spent several years praying over this project and patiently waiting for the right time to start moving forward and are excited to share that this project should be coming to an edit of the filming by December 2018.
Over the course of 2018 Ride Nature has been working to document 12 months in the life of the organization. As they have been traveling "TO THE ENDS" they have been filming the trips to put together a series of 10 short films/micro documentaries that will share the stories of what is happening in each of these countries they are working in. Ultimately the goal is to center each film around the Good News of Jesus Christ and the work that HE is doing around the world through the leaders they have invested and poured into.
The current goal is beginning in February 2019, Ride Nature will release 1 of these short documentaries each month leading up to November 2019, the 10 year anniversary for when the vision of Ride Nature was first established.
The organization is currently working on building a team of partners and supporters of this project and would love to invite you to stand behind their efforts to produce these films and share them with the world. From financial backing to film assistance and marketing support, if you are interested in being a part of this project or would like to learn more you can email them at If you would like to make a donation to support this project you can do so by clicking the link below.