Listed you’ll find current projects, campaigns, and initiatives that are in the works and are currently being developed. Each of these projects are being spearheaded by one of our network partners with the goal of fulfilling our mission and purpose. You will find information about each project alongside current needs and goals to complete these projects. We would love to encourage you to prayerfully consider partnering alongside our efforts to make Jesus famous worldwide.



In 2019, Ride Nature is prayerfully hoping to launch a launching a campaign centered around equipping, empowering, and inspiring a generation of leaders that are willing to step up and lead skate ministry. 

There are an estimated 9,600+ public skateparks around the world. Over 3,000 of those parks are right here in the United States. There are only an estimated 50 skate ministries utilizing those public areas for ministry. LEARN MORE >


Over the course of 2018 Ride Nature has been working to document 12 months in the life of the organization. As they have been traveling "TO THE ENDS" they have been filming the trips to put together a series of 10 short films/micro documentaries that will share the stories of what is happening in each of these countries they are working in. Ultimately the goal is to center each film around the Good News of Jesus Christ and the work that HE is doing around the world through the leaders they have invested and poured into. LEARN MORE >



We are currently working to raise funds to make Bible available and accessible for all of our network partners. With work taking place all around the world, the need for scripture in multiple languages in now more than ever. If you would like to make a donation to support the cost of purchasing and distributing Bibles to leaders around the world you can do so by clicking the link below.


With teams and leaders within the network traveling internationally all throughout the year, the continued need to raise funds to support leadership training is extremely needed. We believe greatly in the equipping and multiplication of leaders and one of the main ways that we’ve been apart of doing this has been through hosting leadership training seminars. All of our team that is currently spearheading leadership training is 100% volunteer based but the cost to send them is high, especially when into unreached areas of the world. We would love to invite you to support this mission by donating to help cover travel expenses and material costs to put into the hands of those that are ready to hit the ground running with the Gospel but are just wanting to be trained and equipped.