As a network, our hope has always been to provide wisdom, support, and assistance for those we are connected with.
From a legal covering, to spiritual backing and accountability, to graphic design, website support, fundraising and strategic development, Financial accountability, or just helping to make connections, our objective is to assist those the lord is using.
Below you’ll find a list of some basic ways that we are here to serve you.
As an existing recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization, there are opportunities to come under the Rooted Collaboration umbrella for legal covering.
The Rooted Collaboration network is also working to provide support for partner ministries to acquire their individual non-profit status if needed.
We’re here to walk you through the steps, questions, and concerns on how to proceed with with becoming a non-profit or how launch a non-profit organization.
We are very selective with who we allow to come under the actual non-profit organization, The Rooted Collaboration. Because of the liability and accountability involved, the partnerships in which existing entities come under our existing 501(c)3 are limited.
For those that do not come under the 501(c)3 legal covering, we can walk alongside you to help you to develop the needed items, develop your board of directions, mission statement, values, and vision to achieve a legal non-profit status on your own.
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”
— Michael Jordan
Of all of the areas of support, we feel most passionate about this one. There are countless leaders, organizations, and business owners that have incredible hearts and passions for others but they are running alone. They lack community, fellowship, and family within the ministry they are leading. Through the network, our goal has always been to lift up the hands of those who are faithfully walking out the call the Lord has put on their heart. This looks like monthly conference calls and prayer meetings, spiritual support and accountability, one on one discipleship, and edification or even rebuke if needed in times of need. Like the old African proverb says, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together".” This is our heart.
“Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” - Philippines 2:3-4
In the Christian world it seems like more time than not you’ll find faith based organization with very subpar design work. We understand that this is not maybe by choice but rather because most have no budget for design assistance or there only option is to utilize help solely from volunteers.
Through our network partner, The Shaping Bay Studio we are excited to offer design assistance in a numerous ways at an extremely discounted rate to all network partners. From graphic design to web support, marketing materials including business cards, pop up tents, banners, and more, The Shaping Bay Studio’s goal is to support those that are working to advance the Gospel.
If you are just getting started and are looking for some support designing your logo or potentially re-banding, building a website, or creating new marketing materials, we’re excited to help you raise the bar of quality and create materials in excellence that not only represent your “brand” but also the Lord!
With a team of leaders that make up the Rooted Collaboration’s board, you’ll find multiple founders and executive directors of ministries and businesses that are here to encourage you, mentor you, and walk alongside you to become the leader God is calling you to be. With support such as fundraising coaching, developing mission statements and/or content for websites, advice on personal issues, defining statements of faith, and/or just having a team that you can do to in a time of need, we’re here for you.
Through a partnership with a very creditable accounting firm, we are proud to offer assistance and support with financial needs within the work that our network partners are involved in. From book keeping, to payroll, end of the year taxes, assistance with acquiring EIN numbers, opening up a bank account, etc. finances are one of the main areas of support that we have found most non-profits and Christian ministries need support with.